DestaqueDiário do Rio

Projeto Y Rosa anuncia novas datas em outubro para oferecer reconstrução de aréolas e cobertura de cicatrizes para pacientes com câncer de mama.

After the success of the 10th edition of Y Rosa, held from October 10th to 12th, the project announced new dates on October 30th and 31st at Barra World, in Recreio. The event, which offers realistic tattoos for areola reconstruction and scar cover-ups for women who have overcome breast cancer, will be extended to serve more patients, due to high demand and emotional stories shared.

The project, marked by the reunion of old participants, such as Rosangela Coutinho and her husband Anselmo, who participated in the 2017 edition, continues to strengthen ties with the community. This year, the couple gifted all participants with a personalized Ecobag from their children’s fashion brand, Nicolly Cout, as a way to support and celebrate the women served.

Another highlight was the participation of patients who traveled from other cities to the event, receiving special treatment as they were transported in a Volvo Electric Car. “What a luxury! I feel even more special!”, said Ana Valéria, one of the patients, upon being greeted by the project team at the bus terminal.

Y Rosa is supported by Concessionária AB Gotland, the official Volvo retailer in Rio de Janeiro, and Barra World Shopping, expanding the project’s visibility and positive impact.

Open Registrations

Registrations for the new dates are now open and can be done on the project’s official website:


Event: Y Rosa – Realistic Areola Reconstruction and Scar Cover-ups
Dates: October 10th to 12th, new dates on October 30th and 31st
Location: Yurgan Tattoo Studio, Barra World Shopping & Park, Recreio dos Bandeirantes, Rio de Janeiro


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