
Terremoto de magnitude 4,4 atinge Los Angeles, sem causar danos; autoridades se preparam para as Olimpíadas de 2028

Earthquake in Los Angeles

On Monday (12), a magnitude 4.4 earthquake struck the Los Angeles region in California. According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the phenomenon was mainly felt in the Highland Park neighborhood, in the northeast of the city.

In the city of Alhambra, neighboring Los Angeles, residents reported windows rattling, packages falling off supermarket shelves, drawers and doors opening, and shoes being thrown out of closets, as reported by the Los Angeles Times.

The Los Angeles Fire Department reported that the region was put on earthquake alert. According to the department, as of Monday afternoon, there were no reports of structural damage or injured people.

The epicenter was located in El Sereno, a region about 10 km from downtown Los Angeles. Shortly before the tremors, residents throughout the southern county received alerts on their phones warning of the earthquake. Those closer to the epicenter felt the tremor before receiving the alerts.

Los Angeles will host the upcoming Olympics in 2028, and authorities are planning to update and modernize the infrastructure.

With the end of the Paris 2024 cycle, Los Angeles promises to organize the most ecological edition in history. The challenge is great for the American capital of car culture. City officials, built around road systems and structures designed with automobile logic, say there will be improvements in public transportation systems. This should include an increase in train and bus lines.

According to the city’s mayor, Karen Bass, who watched the 1984 Los Angeles Games, the city will prepare to ensure the Games run smoothly.

For Los Angeles authorities, the event is a great opportunity to show the population that a car-free daily life is possible. The goal is to discourage the local population and future Olympic tourists from using vehicles, reducing congestion hours.

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