
Vaquinha busca arrecadar R$2 milhões para comprar remédio caro não oferecido pelo SUS ao filho de ativista indigenista assassinado

Pedro needs an expensive medication that is not offered by the public health system (SUS). The medicine, whose name has not been disclosed, needs to be imported, says Beatriz. “Pedro is our son, he is the son of Brazil. Save Pedro,” pleads the mother on the crowdfunding page (available at this link).

The fundraising goal is to raise R$ 2 million. At the time of the publication of this report, 153 people had contributed approximately R$ 21.7 thousand.

Pedro is the son of Bruno Pereira, one of the most combative indigenous rights activists in Brazil, who was cowardly assassinated in June 2022. [Bruno] Fought for the indigenous peoples. Defended the forest, our future, the future of our children. Now, Pedro’s battle, the son of Bruno and anthropologist Beatriz de Almeida Matos, is for his life.
Excerpt from the text published on Pedro’s crowdfunding page

Murders of Bruno and Dom

Bruno Pereira and Dom Phillips were shot, dismembered, and burned. The suspects in the murders of the indigenous rights activist and the British journalist are fishermen accused of invading indigenous lands. The crime took place on June 5, 2022, in the Vale do Javari (AM).

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