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Comissão da Câmara aprova repasse de recursos da Loteca para o Fundo Especial para Calamidades Públicas

05/10/2023 – 11:23

Will Shutter / Câmara dos Deputados

Daniel Agrobom recommended the approval of the proposal, with changes

The National Integration and Regional Development Committee of the Chamber of Deputies approved a bill that determines the transfer of resources from Loteca, the old Sports Lottery, to the Special Fund for Public Calamities (Funcap). The regulation of the future law will be the responsibility of the Executive Power.

The approved text was the substitute drafted by the rapporteur, Deputy Daniel Agrobom (PL-GO), for Bill 616/23, by Deputy Júnior Mano (PL-CE). The original text provided for the holding, by Caixa Econômica Federal, of special lotteries for numbers in favor of municipalities in a state of public calamity.

The rapporteur justified the need for changes to the proposal. “Any measure that may negatively impact lottery sales could result in losses for the entire service chain, due to the reduction in transfers to legal beneficiaries and the risk of economic and financial imbalance,” he said.

“Improvements have been made to the text in order to include the Special Fund for Public Calamities among the beneficiaries of the net income obtained from special sports prognosis lottery contests (Loteca),” said Daniel Agrobom. The substitute amends Law 13.756/18, which deals with federal lottery transfers.

“Despite there being a legal provision for the Union to assist victims even before the recognition of a state of public calamity, the fact is that the process is still very slow, and resources are scarce,” commented Deputy Júnior Mano, the author of the proposal, in defense of more money for Funcap.

The proposal is being processed in a conclusive manner and will still be analyzed by the Finance and Taxation, and Constitution and Justice and Citizenship committees.

Reportage – Ralph Machado
Edition – Marcia Becker

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