Nelson Rodrigues: Busto de bronze é furtado do cemitério São João Batista, no Rio de Janeiro

Nelson Rodrigues Bust Stolen from Cemetery in Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro

A bronze bust of the writer Nelson Rodrigues was stolen from the São João Batista cemetery in Botafogo, in the South Zone of Rio. The 40-centimeter, 50-kilogram statue was fixed on the writer’s grave. Rio Pax, the company that provides funeral services to the cemetery, did not respond when asked about the theft. The police were not called to the scene, but they have increased patrols in the area as a result of the incident. Witnesses reported that the crime occurred in the early hours of Saturday, January 20th.

It is shocking and concerning that such a valuable and historic monument has been stolen from a cemetery. The theft of the Nelson Rodrigues bust is not only a crime against property, but also a theft of part of the cultural heritage of Rio de Janeiro. The statue, which was a tribute to the renowned writer, is a significant part of the local artistic and literary community. Its removal will undoubtedly leave a void in the cultural landscape of the city.

There needs to be a thorough investigation conducted into this theft in order to retrieve the stolen bust and bring the perpetrators to justice. Additionally, security measures should be re-evaluated and potentially strengthened to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. It is imperative that steps are taken to protect the cultural and historical landmarks of Rio de Janeiro and prevent any further thefts of this nature from taking place.

The theft of the bust has generated significant public attention and outrage in the local community, and it is essential that the relevant authorities address the situation promptly and effectively. The return of the stolen statue would not only bring closure to the incident, but also serve as a testament to the commitment to preserving and protecting the cultural heritage of Rio de Janeiro.

The local community and cultural authorities are eager to see the case resolved and the bust of Nelson Rodrigues returned to its rightful place in the cemetery. The resolution of this case will not only provide justice for the theft, but also inspiration for the protection of the rich cultural and historical heritage of Rio de Janeiro.

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