Veto de Lula à prorrogação de desoneração da folha será derrubado, afirmam parlamentares.

Access Denied

Access Denied

It seems that there has been an issue with accessing the requested page. According to reports, there is a denied permission to access the following URL:

It has been reported that the server has denied permission to access the page, with a reference code of #18.8a0a2917.1700839088.5fe05ac9. It is unclear as to why this access has been denied at this time.

The news of the denial of access to the URL comes at a time when there is significant interest in the reported veto by former President Lula to the extension of payroll tax relief. This veto has garnered attention from lawmakers, who have indicated that they intend to overturn it.

It is unclear how the denied access to the URL may impact the coverage and understanding of the situation regarding the veto and its potential overturn by lawmakers. Efforts to resolve the access issue and gain a better understanding of the situation are currently underway.

Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story.

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